How to attract investment as a startup

Attracting financing is a challenge. To achieve this, consider some of the factors that investors take into account when analysing opportunities:

Equipment. Gathering professionals who stand out for their talent from the beginning is key to generating the necessary confidence and getting investors to get behind an idea.

Market. Analysing the product market fit, that is, adjusting the product to the needs of the market, is essential for the project to be successful and get the boost it needs.

Timing. Be in the right place at the right time. Identifying the ideal period to launch a product or service will help attract customers and investors.

Technology. One of the main assets to take advantage of when attracting investment is technological muscle. Therefore, the opportunities of the IoT,APIs, the metaverse or artificial intelligence should be analysed and their advantages fully exploited to differentiate the product or solution. Technology is not an accessory element, it is a pillar that nurtures and enhances the value of your startup from every angle.


Regulation. It is advisable to know the specific regulations of the market where the solution will be launched in order to fine-tune the project.

  • In Spain, the ‘startup law’, approved by the Congress of Deputies (Spanish Parliament), establishes benefits for entrepreneurs (administrative flexibility, tax advantages or testing environments to innovate), professionals (favourable treatment of stock options and visas for digital nomads) and investors (such as facilities for non-residents, tax deductions and a favourable regime for carried interest with exemptions of up to 50%). The regulations must now be processed in the Senate and are expected to come into force in January 2023.
  • In Latin America, many countries have created frameworks to protect and promote their startup fabric. Mexico was a pioneer in passing a  financial innovation law, while Colombia, Argentina and Chile have enacted new regulations that favour the creation of emerging companies

The nutrients to make your startup flourish

Creating a solid project and having the tools to attract investors is essential to boost a startup and take your company to the next level.

Your ideas, technology and investment will help your project grow to reach innovation heaven.

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